The Adventures of Flo and Greg

"2015's Most Essential Productions" -Dallas Observer
"Dallas's Best Performances of 2015" -TheaterJones
"12 Best Dallas-Ft. Worth Theatre Productions of 2015" -Dallas Culture Map
With her doe eyes, wide mouth and bouncy ponytail, gamine Ryan is a lovely pixie dream girl as Flo. But behind her characters tearful outbursts and ditzy awkwardness is something to relate to: a lonely heart wanting to connect without fear or rejection...How these actors use their faces is how actors in the theatre should always use their faces.
— Dallas Observer
Ryan is beguiling as the shut-in, Flo, but her big, batting eyes can also convey real terror, too. The young cast does fantastic work balancing their emotional rawness with the customary comedic precision required by these proceedings...The freshness threatens to burst forth in flavors that wet the chin as much as the mouth.
— TheaterJones
Actors Chandler Ryan and Matt Holmes, both right out of college, pumped refreshingly loose rhythms into this eccentric two-hander about two lonely people who cope with neurosis by pretending to be crime-fighting superhero. Ryan and Holmes didn’t rush Posner’s Imposed silences, making comedy gold of the wait for a printer to slowly to spit out one sheet of paper.
— Dallas Observer, 2015's Most Essential Productions
...It also introduced us to Chandler Ryan and Matt Holmes, two transplants who made a big impression with this show and whom I hope to see more of in 2016.
— Dallas Culture Map, 12 Best Dallas-Ft. Worth Theatre Productions of 2015


"2015's Most Essential Productions" -Dallas Observer
"12 Best Dallas-Ft. Worth Productions of 2015" -Dallas Culture Map
Ask and ye shall receive, for Ryan also showed up in this wickedly debauched version of the Marlowe and Goethe stories...
— Dallas Culture Map, 12 Best Dallas-Ft. Worth Theatre Productions of 2015
What makes the story work as more than a thrill ride is the inclusion of the character Gretchen (Chandler Ryan). Object of Faust’s affection, Gretchen has to go from objectified ideal to the flesh and blood real. Ryan can play both. More impressively, she can switch between them so quickly that it’s almost as if they’re the same thing.
— TheaterJones
Newcomer Chandler Ryan, recently excellent in ‘The Adventures of Flo and Greg’ at Echo Theatre, is an anime princess come to life as Gretchen, the much-younger woman Faust connects with online. When we see what her life is like behind the screen, and what it becomes after Faust enters her world, it’s a chilling comment on how we reinvent ourselves.
— Dallas Culture Map
Down Faust goes into an affair with a much-younger girl (the marvelous Chandler Ryan, whom we loved last month in Echo’s ‘Adventures of Flo and Greg.’)...”
— Dallas Observer

Crimes of the Heart

You will not doubt for a moment that Ryan has truly become Babe, the cheery, spacey, entertaining baby sister...